الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2016

Hosni Mubarak

Hosni Mubarak

Mohammed Hosni Mubarak and his fame Hosni Mubarak (born May 4, 1928) [1] the fourth President of the Arab Republic of Egypt from October 14, 1981, until February 11, 2011. He joined the Military Academy, and received a Bachelor of Military Science in February 1949, and then offer to attend college air and he graduated in 1950, rose through the military positions until he reached the post of chief of Staff of the air force war, then the commander of the air force in April, 1972, and led the Egyptian air force during the October 1973 war, and in 1975 chosen by Mohamed Anwar Sadat's vice president, following the assassination of Sadat in 1981 he was elected as president of the republic after a referendum, the period of his rule (until stepping down in 2011) fourth-longest reign in the Arab region - who are alive now, after Sultan Qaboos bin Said, Sultan of Oman and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and longer among the kings and presidents of Egypt since Muhammad Ali Pasha. [2]
Knew his position in support of peaceful negotiations, the Palestinian - Israeli, in addition to his role in the Second Gulf War, and stepped down from power following the outbreak of January 25th revolution on February 11, 2011. [3]
Presented to the public trial on charges of killing demonstrators in the revolution of January 25 [4]. He has represented - the first Arab leader to be tried earlier this Trivh- before a civilian court on August 3, 2011, and sentenced him to life imprisonment on Saturday, June 2, 2012., He was released from all the cases against him and sentenced to a court ordered his release after the expiration of the period of remand on August 21, 2013. [5] And was acquitted on November 29, 2014 of all charges against him before the Court of resume Cairo, headed by Judge Mahmoud Kamel Rashidi, [6] However, in the May 9, 2015 he was convicted he and his two sons, in the case of presidential palaces and issued the Cairo Criminal Court sentenced rigorous imprisonment for a period of 3 years. [ 7] [8]


Finished secondary education secondary school thanked Shebeen endeavors, and then joined the Military Academy, and received a Bachelor of Military Science in February 1949, he graduated second lieutenant. He joined the officer with a weapon Infantry Brigade second mechanic for 3 months, and announced the aviation college from accepting new by batch, from the Military Academy graduates, providing Hosni Mubarak to attend college air, and passed the tests with a tenth officer accepted by the college, and graduated from the Air Force Academy, where he earned a Bachelor of Aviation Science from the air Force Academy on March 12, 1950. in 1964, receive Graduate Frunze military Academy of the Soviet Union. [9]

Included in military jobs immediately after graduation, where he was appointed Air Force in El Arish, in the March 13, 1950, and then transferred to Helwan Airport in 1951 for training on jets, and continued until the beginning of 1953, then transferred to the Aviation College is a teacher out, Fmsaaada of Staff of the total war , then the pillars of the overall war, the squadron commander at the same time, even in 1959 was accompanied by Egyptian officers captured after disembarking made an emergency landing in Morocco aboard a helicopter through the sand war that broke out between Morocco and Algeria [10] [11].
He traveled in multiple missions to the Soviet Union, including the mission of training the bomber Ilyushin 28, and mission training bomber Tu-16, also received a Graduate Frunze Military Academy of the Soviet Union (1964, 1965). Hosni Mubarak became the commander of the brigade grenade launchers, and the commander of the air base west of Cairo proxy until June 30, 1966.
On June 5, 1967, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Beni Suef Air Base commander was. He was appointed director of the College of the Air in November 1967, the period witnessed a war of attrition, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the June 22, 1969, and served as Chief of Staff of the Air Force war, then the commander of the Air Force in April 1972 AD, and in the same year was appointed deputy minister of war.
He led the Egyptian Air Force during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and was promoted Major General Mohammed Hosni Mubarak to the rank of pilot team in February 1974. On April 15, 1975, chosen by Mohamed Anwar Sadat, Vice President of the Republic, to hold the position (1975 1981). When Sadat announced the formation of the National Democratic Party headed by him in July 1978, to be the government party in Egypt instead of Party Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, was appointed vice-president of the party. At this stage it took more than one Arab and international mission, as he made several visits to the countries of the world, has contributed greatly to the strengthening of relations with these countries Egypt.
On October 14, 1981 took over Hosni Mubarak's presidency of the Arab Republic of Egypt, after it was put to a referendum after parliament's nomination in a popular referendum, after President Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated on October 6, 1981, during a military parade held on the occasion of the commemoration of victories in October 1973. On January 26, 1982 Chairman of the National Democratic Party was elected [12] [13] [14]
Mubarak, in power

Mubarak with President Sadat on the day he was assassinated in 1981.
October 14, 1981 took over the presidency of Hosni Mubarak of the Arab Republic of Egypt, a referendum after parliament's nomination when he was a Sufi Abu Taleb, head of the People's Assembly at the time the interim president of Egypt after Sadat's assassination.
October 5, 1987 referendum was the President of the Republic for a second term.
1993 was a referendum by the president for a third term.
September 26, 1999, was re-referendum President of the Republic for a fourth term as president.
As he was elected to a new term in 2005 in the first multi-candidate presidential elections in Egypt after a constitutional amendment in light of the elections witnessed acts and arrests of opposition candidates violence.

Mubarak stepped down from power the night of February 11, 2011 and handed over to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces after the revolution of January 25, 2011 until stepping down on this day. [15]
Controversy about Mubarak's rule
Was re-elected president of the republic during a referendum on the presidency in 1987, 1993 and 1999 and 2005 for five consecutive periods, many demanded to amend the constitution to allow multiple candidates for the presidency and become a direct election rather than a referendum; [what?] And so his judgment of the longest periods of governance should be a period in the Arab region . In February 2005 called for Hosni Mubarak to amend Article 76 of the Egyptian Constitution, which regulates how to choose the president of the republic was voted the People's Assembly in favor of the constitutional amendment that made the presidency directly elected for the first time in Egypt by the citizens and not the referendum as had been followed previously. He was criticized by the political opposition movements in Egypt, such as the adequacy of its commitment to private governance before the last refurbishment which saw the election of a number of candidates for the first time (most notably Ayman Nour and Noman Gomaa) described by the Egyptian government integrity and by some of the opposition forces of the play's comic intended to satisfy some external forces. [16] [17] [18]. In economic terms, some believe that Hosni Mubarak has not been able to achieve what he is doing is always to achieve economic stability and the protection of low-income people, but the economy continued to suffer yet from the big problems, especially after the adoption of privatization processes, which raised around a lot of doubts and problems in terms of futility and wasted public money. And it was in the interests of investors and owners of warheads money only. It also could not achieve a reasonable rate of unemployment of the country and because of this reason, the primary cause next to a small number of owners of warheads money control Mekdurat the country, in spite of this, Egypt occupied an advanced position in the Middle East and North Africa region in attracting foreign capital for direct investment in 2007. [19].
Saw his time growing labor strikes and the spread of the phenomenon of torture in police stations, and the increasing phenomenon of violence against women. [20] [21] [22], and increased the number of detainees in prisons, as the number of political prisoners arrived nearly eighteen thousand administrative detainees [20] [23] [24], and the discretion of the Lord in a book authored by journalist Abdel-Halim Qandil, the number of workers in the Egyptian security services, "1.7 million officers and soldiers and the detective, which means that there militarily for each 47 Egyptian citizens," according to the book. [ 25] In his time the number of poor increased as a report published in February 2008 indicated that "the 11 million people living in 961 slum area", and exacerbated the economic crisis on the impact of some economic policies [26], and controls 2% of Egyptians, 40% of the national income phrase has taken the economic crisis in the custody of a dangerous turn after 1998, with inflation rates increased in huge this year, and prices doubled because of the decision taken by the then prime minister Atef Ebeid liberalization dollar. Throughout the period of his presidency under the application of emergency laws in force.
In May 2007, President Mubarak has strongly opposed an assumed project to build a land bridge connecting Egypt and Saudi Arabia, across the Tiran Island in the Gulf of Aqaba between the head Hamid in Tabuk, northern Saudi Arabia, the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt [27] for the conduct of the movement of pilgrims and the transport of goods between the two countries, but the president refused so as not to affect on tourist resorts in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh [28] [29]
As classified by the American Journal of Pardee is a dictator Hosni Mubarak, No. 20 worst in the world for the year 2009 while the solution in seventeenth place in 2008 to the same list. [30]
According to the classification Foreign Policy America occupies President Hosni Mubarak [31] fifteenth in the list of Foreign Policy (worst bad) for the year 2010, where it considers Foreign Policy "autocrat despot suffering greatness disease only his business to continue in office, Mubarak doubt even in his shadow it has ruled the country since the 30-year-old emergency law to quell any activity of the opposition was preparing his son Gamal to succeed him, "US Foreign Policy and added that" I do not wonder that only 23% of Egyptians voted in the last presidential elections in 2005 ".

Decisions taken
In 1982. In the wake of fully Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai in April 25, Israel has claimed the right to Taba strategic area, take a decision to resort to international arbitration as the host of a group of experts were able to prove the historical right of Egypt's Taba to control the international tribunal return Taba to Egypt, where he lifted the Egyptian flag on the Taba in the March 19, 1989, to complete the liberation of the entire national territory.
September 2003: the abolition of Article 14 as the ruling] military of the country [38]. Of the 21 articles of the emergency laws in place since the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. [39] [40]
September 2003: gave orders to the interior minister of Egypt to develop a new law that allows each Egyptian married to a foreigner for her children on the Egyptian nationality. [39]
In December 2006: the referral of 40 of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to a military trial as military ruler of the country, the decision that the Administrative Court of the State Council ruled on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 under the chairmanship of Judge Mohammed al-Husseini, deputy head of the State Council decision rejecting the implementation of the decision of the President of the republic [41], and that an appeal by the president and she spent examining appeals court supported the President's decision. [42]
January 28, 2011: as a military ruler of the country decided to impose a curfew for the second time since the 1981 Emergency Law (first time was during the Central Security events in 1986).
January 2011 29: Ahmed Shafiq presidency Aloza commissioned and commissioned Omar Suleiman as vice president.

February 11, 2011: decided to abandoning the post of president of the republic and tasked the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of managing the country.

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