الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2016

Abdel Halim Hafez

Abdel Halim Hafez (June 21 1929 - Mar 30 1977), Egyptian singer. His real name Abdul Halim Ali Shabana. Born in the village of Ahalouat eastern province, and there are Saraya its own and there are now some belongings. [1]

About his life

Born in the village of Ahalouat center Abrahamic eastern province, the youngest of four brothers are Ismail and Mohammed and attic. His mother died a few days after birth and before it is Abdul Halim first year his father died, to live orphanhood from the father's side as he lived from the mother's side by a living then in the house of his uncle Haj Metwally INCENTIVE. Was playing with his cousins ​​in the canal village, which moved him schistosomiasis, which destroyed his disease, and I once said I'm much, has conducted during his sixty-one surgery [2], which is the fourth son and the biggest of his brothers is Ismail Shabana, who was a singer and teacher of music the Ministry of Education, joined after a bit of maturity in the book of Sheikh Ahmed; and since the entry of the Nightingale School of brown demonstrated great passion for music even became president of the band songs in his school. Since then he tried to enter the field of singing to the intensity and passion to it.
He joined the Institute of Arabic music department composing in 1943 when he met the artist Kamal long as Abdul Halim student in the Department of composing, and Kamal in the Department of singing and sounds, was a lesson together at the institute until graduating in 1948 and was nominated to travel in a government mission abroad but canceled his travel and work 4 years a teacher of music in Tanta, Zagazig and then finally in Cairo, then resigned from teaching and then joined the musical troupe radio musicians Alobouah his family in 1950.
I met with a friend and companion-old professor Magdi Alamrsa in 1951 in the house of the Director of Broadcasting at the time radio Fahmi Omar. Nightingale discovered brown Abdel Halim Shabana great radio Hafez Abdel Wahab, who allowed him to use his name, "Hafez" instead of Shabana.
According to some sources, Abdul Halim was passed on the radio after he presented the poem "encounter" Song Salah Abdul Saboor, melody Kamal term in 1951, while other sources believe that his vacation was in 1952, after having made the song "O sweet O Brown" lyrics Samir Mahjoub, and composed by Mohammad waveform, and generally there is an agreement that he sang (Safana visits) Song Samir Mahjoub, and composed by Mohammad waveform in August 1952 and was rejected by the masses of the first sight where people were not ready to receive this kind of new to sing.
But re-sing "Safana visits" in June 1953, the day declared a republic, and has achieved great success, and then introduced the song "to have been longing" words of Mohammed Ali Ahmed, and composed by Kamal term in July 1954, and has achieved an overwhelming success, and then re-introduced in the film "tune fulfilled" in 1955, and with the growing success of the title Bandlab brown.

The beginnings
This period extends from his vacation on the radio in 1951 after submitting the poem "encounter" with lyrics Salah Abdul Saboor and composed by Kamal term, until the start of filming his first film, "Melody fulfilled" in 1955, did not have symptoms of schistosomiasis has worsened.
Nla luck in this period that a large number of songs containing the tone of optimism, such as: "That dew Festival", "I accept the morning," "a composite of Dreams", "In the silence of the night," "joy, O Xanana," "eyes Ptnagak," " Gne..gne "," night lights and Samar, "" breeze dawn, "" Wind Dmek "," wake up and the people, "" the whole world ".
Some of these songs also talk about the beautiful nature, such as: "Golden Afternoon," "Spring Is," "authentic". Some love songs also address stated beautiful nature within the human love of all that is beautiful, such as "may", "In the silence of the night," "Carnation", "Habibi P prying," "the company of Roses", "Spring poet," "Table" , "you new inspiration," "" here housebreak Gramena, "" spring rolls ".
But with the worsening of schistosomiasis has, starting from 1956, we note that the optimistic tone of his songs began to disappear gradually, and replaced by a tone of sadness in his songs.
Continued to shine
Collaborated with the composer of genius Mohammad waveform and Kamal long and eloquent Hamdi, as it has songs famous composed by musician generations Mohamed Abdel Wahab, such as: (I adore, Neptda Menen anecdote, missed spared us), then complete the Duo (Halim - pithy) in conjunction with the Egyptian poet known Mohammed Hamza best Arabic songs, most notably:
Ze-Hawa, tourists, try Fkrna, A tear sadness, promised and other songs.
The richness of the great poet Nizar Qabbani song Reader cup and a letter from under the water, which composed composer Mohamed waveform.
After the 1967 war sang in the historic concert in front of eight thousand people at the Albert Hall in London in favor of the war effort to remove the consequences of aggression. Abdul Halim presented in this concert song of Christ; Song Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and eloquent melodies Hamdi, and sang a song at the same ceremony, except the day, which is also the Obnaudi and eloquent, it is one of the leading songs concerts Abdul Halim over its long history.
He was a friend of the leader Habib Bourguiba, and Hassan II, King Hussein.
Abdul Halim dreamed submit story «no» to the great writer Mustafa Amin on the movie screen and Najla Fathi nominated for heroism, but fate did not give him. Ft 3 concert programs: «Nile Girl» poet Ahmed Mukhaimar and composed by Mohammad waveform and directed by Kamel Youssef and «unknown Shoemaker» poet Ibrahim Rajab and composed by Abdul Halim Ali and directed by Osman Abaza, «fulfillment» poet Mustafa Abdel-Rahman and music by Hussein Junaid and directed by Ismail Abdul Majid.
Night view Alamrsa
As Laila Alamrsa, the wife of a close friend of Abdul Halim late Magdi Alamrsa, which know a lot about secrets through her husband, she said, for Habiba Halim: «not Oltgaha, and when you ask Magdi it was saying to me: It's Her beautiful eyes had seen in his life, he has told I Alamrsa the first meeting, which gathered Abdul Halim, and that was inside the elevator Building «Sidi Bishr» Alexandria; that was Abdel Halim owns an apartment where, and when he saw occurred in love, and the intensity of his admiration for them walked behind her in his car until the «chalet» Special for her family, which was soon of «chalet» late writer Ihsan Abdul Quddus. » And the secrets that he knew Magdi Alamrsa about this relationship Laila said: I did not Majdi tells me especially about the life of Abdel Halim things, he was reticent to the hilt, and when you ask him about his relationship with this lady he refused to answer and tell me: You do not have the right to know what something about this relationship. Laila Alamrsa adds that the late writer Mustafa Amin said he attended one of the Abdel-Halim concerts which he sings the song «Ptlomna Les», Mustafa Amin noted that Abdel Halim throughout the song was seen as a particular direction, he looked in the same direction, which was seen as Abdul Halim, He found a lovely lady Her eyes Bjmalhma has not been seen before, he knew that it is Habiba Abdul Halim

Songs Abdel Hali
Abdul Halim presented more than two hundred and thirty song. Magdi Alamrsa, a friend of Abdul Halim Hafez has been made, the collection of his songs in a book called "Love brochure and national ... a complete record of all that richness Nightingale brown Abdel Halim Hafez," which included the majority of the richness of Abdel Halim Hafez. and what will follow is part of his songs.

Love songs
Noon vote (only) song Les counted days Fathi venerable words and music by Ali Faraj did in 1953 after a farewell.
Abdel Halim participated for the second time his vote only in the film, this time with the movie "saleswoman bread", where he sang Shukri Sarhan voice Halim song "I adore", in front of Magda sang turn in the film voice singer Brlenti Hassan.kma posted his vote only in one Adham Sharkawy songs movie starring Abdullah Ghaith .okan is the owner of the music competition in this film.
At June 18, 1953 live concert Abdel Halim city lights garden Andalus in what is considered as the first official concert, which was also the first official celebration of the proclamation of the Republic.
"Safana time": the words of Samir Mahjoub, composed by Mohammad waveform
"We are we Fein": the words of Mr. Hussein, composed by Mounir Mourad was sung by Abdel Halim with the artist Shadia in the film Delilah
"To have been longing": the words of Mohammed Ali Ahmed, composed by Kamal long
"Repentance": In 1955, Mr. Hussein lyrics, melody composer Mohamed Abdel-Wahab first songs Abdul Wahab Abdul Halim
Mark my heart: In 1969 words Morsi darling beautiful melodies Mosagar generations
"On the day of the month in the year of" Words Morsi Jamil Aziz, and composed by Kamal term.
Promised: Muhammad Hamza words and melodies eloquent Hamdi
"Meet": Song Salah Abdul Saboor and composed by Kamal long, the first special song recorded by Abdel Halim Hafez radio.
"Letter from the underwater": the words of Nizar Qabbani, and composed by Mohammad waveform
"Lover" full Shenawi lyrics, melodies Mugi
"Reader cup": the last thing indispensable; and was at a party Easter in 1977 with lyrics and music by Nizar Qabbani, Mohammed waveform.
"Gana fancy" words and music by Mohammed Hamza eloquent Hamdi, Abdul Halim sang the song first in theaters, having achieved great success in the film presented by my father over the tree in 1969.
Sweetie who you are: the words of Khalid bin Saud eloquent and composed this song Hamdi was published after the death of Abdel-Halim.

Patriotic songs
"New Testament" in 1952, the first national anthem of his riches, Abdel Halim Hafez in his life, from the words of Mahmoud Abdul Hai, composed by Abdul Hamid Tawfiq Zaki, was sung by Abdel Halim after the 23 Revolution of July.
"We are the people," the first song sung by Abdel Halim President Gamal Abdel Nasser after the popularly chosen to be president of the republic in 1956, the first technical meeting between triple Abdul Halim and Kamal Mahln long and poet Salah Sahin.
Mohamed Abdel Wahab provides the first collaboration with Abdul Halim in the field of patriotic songs in 1956, with the song "O God, our country," which is sung by Abdel Halim after a trio of aggression.
"At home" or "Song of Christ" and singing the words of Jerusalem Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and eloquent melodies Hamdi and distribution of Ali Ismail.
"Your son tells you, my hero," the words of Abdul Rahman Abnoudi, and composed by Kamal term.
"Song of the largest home" in 1960 from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel, composed by Mohamed Abdel Wahab.
"The Story of the people" in 1960 from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel and composed by Kamal long, in the lights of the city ceremony, which was held in Aswan to celebrate laying the foundation stone of the construction of the High Dam.
"Algeria" sung by Abdel Halim in 1962 to greet the struggle of the people of Algeria, who gained their independence in the same year.
"The demands of the people" on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the revolution July 23, 1962, from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel and composed by Kamal long and distribution Ali Ismail.
"Image" festival sang in the revolution in the July 23, 1966, with lyrics and music by Salah Jaheen Kamal term.
"Odai day" in 1967 and is one of the most prominent songs Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman with lyrics and music by Kamal Abnoudi term.
"I swear Basmaha" in 1967, which Abdul Halim promised to be sung in all his concerts until the liberation of the land of Egypt in the Sinai, from the words of Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and composed by Kamal term.
"Venice Atkelmt" in 1968, from the words of Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and composed by Kamal term.
"Who lived" the first song sung by Abdel Halim after victory in October 1973 with lyrics and music by Mohammed Hamza eloquent Hamdi said, was the first song he praised the role of President Anwar Sadat in the great victory of Egypt.
Last action between Abdul Halim and Kamal long with the song "Good Morning Sina date" in 1974.
"Star leaned on the Moon" in 1975, Mohsen Al-Khayat and composed by Mohammad waveform lyrics, and "composite promised," with lyrics and music by Aldmrani Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab after the re-opening of the Suez Canal global navigation.

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