اسم الموضوع هنا

هنا يوضع وصف للموضوع لشرحه للقارئ .....

اسم الموضوع هنا

هنا يوضع وصف للموضوع لشرحه للقارئ .....

اسم الموضوع هنا

هنا يوضع وصف للموضوع لشرحه للقارئ .....

اسم الموضوع هنا

هنا يوضع وصف للموضوع لشرحه للقارئ .....

اسم الموضوع هنا

هنا يوضع وصف للموضوع لشرحه للقارئ .....

الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2016

Hosni Mubarak

Hosni Mubarak

Mohammed Hosni Mubarak and his fame Hosni Mubarak (born May 4, 1928) [1] the fourth President of the Arab Republic of Egypt from October 14, 1981, until February 11, 2011. He joined the Military Academy, and received a Bachelor of Military Science in February 1949, and then offer to attend college air and he graduated in 1950, rose through the military positions until he reached the post of chief of Staff of the air force war, then the commander of the air force in April, 1972, and led the Egyptian air force during the October 1973 war, and in 1975 chosen by Mohamed Anwar Sadat's vice president, following the assassination of Sadat in 1981 he was elected as president of the republic after a referendum, the period of his rule (until stepping down in 2011) fourth-longest reign in the Arab region - who are alive now, after Sultan Qaboos bin Said, Sultan of Oman and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and longer among the kings and presidents of Egypt since Muhammad Ali Pasha. [2]
Knew his position in support of peaceful negotiations, the Palestinian - Israeli, in addition to his role in the Second Gulf War, and stepped down from power following the outbreak of January 25th revolution on February 11, 2011. [3]
Presented to the public trial on charges of killing demonstrators in the revolution of January 25 [4]. He has represented - the first Arab leader to be tried earlier this Trivh- before a civilian court on August 3, 2011, and sentenced him to life imprisonment on Saturday, June 2, 2012., He was released from all the cases against him and sentenced to a court ordered his release after the expiration of the period of remand on August 21, 2013. [5] And was acquitted on November 29, 2014 of all charges against him before the Court of resume Cairo, headed by Judge Mahmoud Kamel Rashidi, [6] However, in the May 9, 2015 he was convicted he and his two sons, in the case of presidential palaces and issued the Cairo Criminal Court sentenced rigorous imprisonment for a period of 3 years. [ 7] [8]


Finished secondary education secondary school thanked Shebeen endeavors, and then joined the Military Academy, and received a Bachelor of Military Science in February 1949, he graduated second lieutenant. He joined the officer with a weapon Infantry Brigade second mechanic for 3 months, and announced the aviation college from accepting new by batch, from the Military Academy graduates, providing Hosni Mubarak to attend college air, and passed the tests with a tenth officer accepted by the college, and graduated from the Air Force Academy, where he earned a Bachelor of Aviation Science from the air Force Academy on March 12, 1950. in 1964, receive Graduate Frunze military Academy of the Soviet Union. [9]

Included in military jobs immediately after graduation, where he was appointed Air Force in El Arish, in the March 13, 1950, and then transferred to Helwan Airport in 1951 for training on jets, and continued until the beginning of 1953, then transferred to the Aviation College is a teacher out, Fmsaaada of Staff of the total war , then the pillars of the overall war, the squadron commander at the same time, even in 1959 was accompanied by Egyptian officers captured after disembarking made an emergency landing in Morocco aboard a helicopter through the sand war that broke out between Morocco and Algeria [10] [11].
He traveled in multiple missions to the Soviet Union, including the mission of training the bomber Ilyushin 28, and mission training bomber Tu-16, also received a Graduate Frunze Military Academy of the Soviet Union (1964, 1965). Hosni Mubarak became the commander of the brigade grenade launchers, and the commander of the air base west of Cairo proxy until June 30, 1966.
On June 5, 1967, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Beni Suef Air Base commander was. He was appointed director of the College of the Air in November 1967, the period witnessed a war of attrition, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the June 22, 1969, and served as Chief of Staff of the Air Force war, then the commander of the Air Force in April 1972 AD, and in the same year was appointed deputy minister of war.
He led the Egyptian Air Force during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and was promoted Major General Mohammed Hosni Mubarak to the rank of pilot team in February 1974. On April 15, 1975, chosen by Mohamed Anwar Sadat, Vice President of the Republic, to hold the position (1975 1981). When Sadat announced the formation of the National Democratic Party headed by him in July 1978, to be the government party in Egypt instead of Party Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, was appointed vice-president of the party. At this stage it took more than one Arab and international mission, as he made several visits to the countries of the world, has contributed greatly to the strengthening of relations with these countries Egypt.
On October 14, 1981 took over Hosni Mubarak's presidency of the Arab Republic of Egypt, after it was put to a referendum after parliament's nomination in a popular referendum, after President Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated on October 6, 1981, during a military parade held on the occasion of the commemoration of victories in October 1973. On January 26, 1982 Chairman of the National Democratic Party was elected [12] [13] [14]
Mubarak, in power

Mubarak with President Sadat on the day he was assassinated in 1981.
October 14, 1981 took over the presidency of Hosni Mubarak of the Arab Republic of Egypt, a referendum after parliament's nomination when he was a Sufi Abu Taleb, head of the People's Assembly at the time the interim president of Egypt after Sadat's assassination.
October 5, 1987 referendum was the President of the Republic for a second term.
1993 was a referendum by the president for a third term.
September 26, 1999, was re-referendum President of the Republic for a fourth term as president.
As he was elected to a new term in 2005 in the first multi-candidate presidential elections in Egypt after a constitutional amendment in light of the elections witnessed acts and arrests of opposition candidates violence.

Mubarak stepped down from power the night of February 11, 2011 and handed over to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces after the revolution of January 25, 2011 until stepping down on this day. [15]
Controversy about Mubarak's rule
Was re-elected president of the republic during a referendum on the presidency in 1987, 1993 and 1999 and 2005 for five consecutive periods, many demanded to amend the constitution to allow multiple candidates for the presidency and become a direct election rather than a referendum; [what?] And so his judgment of the longest periods of governance should be a period in the Arab region . In February 2005 called for Hosni Mubarak to amend Article 76 of the Egyptian Constitution, which regulates how to choose the president of the republic was voted the People's Assembly in favor of the constitutional amendment that made the presidency directly elected for the first time in Egypt by the citizens and not the referendum as had been followed previously. He was criticized by the political opposition movements in Egypt, such as the adequacy of its commitment to private governance before the last refurbishment which saw the election of a number of candidates for the first time (most notably Ayman Nour and Noman Gomaa) described by the Egyptian government integrity and by some of the opposition forces of the play's comic intended to satisfy some external forces. [16] [17] [18]. In economic terms, some believe that Hosni Mubarak has not been able to achieve what he is doing is always to achieve economic stability and the protection of low-income people, but the economy continued to suffer yet from the big problems, especially after the adoption of privatization processes, which raised around a lot of doubts and problems in terms of futility and wasted public money. And it was in the interests of investors and owners of warheads money only. It also could not achieve a reasonable rate of unemployment of the country and because of this reason, the primary cause next to a small number of owners of warheads money control Mekdurat the country, in spite of this, Egypt occupied an advanced position in the Middle East and North Africa region in attracting foreign capital for direct investment in 2007. [19].
Saw his time growing labor strikes and the spread of the phenomenon of torture in police stations, and the increasing phenomenon of violence against women. [20] [21] [22], and increased the number of detainees in prisons, as the number of political prisoners arrived nearly eighteen thousand administrative detainees [20] [23] [24], and the discretion of the Lord in a book authored by journalist Abdel-Halim Qandil, the number of workers in the Egyptian security services, "1.7 million officers and soldiers and the detective, which means that there militarily for each 47 Egyptian citizens," according to the book. [ 25] In his time the number of poor increased as a report published in February 2008 indicated that "the 11 million people living in 961 slum area", and exacerbated the economic crisis on the impact of some economic policies [26], and controls 2% of Egyptians, 40% of the national income phrase has taken the economic crisis in the custody of a dangerous turn after 1998, with inflation rates increased in huge this year, and prices doubled because of the decision taken by the then prime minister Atef Ebeid liberalization dollar. Throughout the period of his presidency under the application of emergency laws in force.
In May 2007, President Mubarak has strongly opposed an assumed project to build a land bridge connecting Egypt and Saudi Arabia, across the Tiran Island in the Gulf of Aqaba between the head Hamid in Tabuk, northern Saudi Arabia, the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt [27] for the conduct of the movement of pilgrims and the transport of goods between the two countries, but the president refused so as not to affect on tourist resorts in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh [28] [29]
As classified by the American Journal of Pardee is a dictator Hosni Mubarak, No. 20 worst in the world for the year 2009 while the solution in seventeenth place in 2008 to the same list. [30]
According to the classification Foreign Policy America occupies President Hosni Mubarak [31] fifteenth in the list of Foreign Policy (worst bad) for the year 2010, where it considers Foreign Policy "autocrat despot suffering greatness disease only his business to continue in office, Mubarak doubt even in his shadow it has ruled the country since the 30-year-old emergency law to quell any activity of the opposition was preparing his son Gamal to succeed him, "US Foreign Policy and added that" I do not wonder that only 23% of Egyptians voted in the last presidential elections in 2005 ".

Decisions taken
In 1982. In the wake of fully Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai in April 25, Israel has claimed the right to Taba strategic area, take a decision to resort to international arbitration as the host of a group of experts were able to prove the historical right of Egypt's Taba to control the international tribunal return Taba to Egypt, where he lifted the Egyptian flag on the Taba in the March 19, 1989, to complete the liberation of the entire national territory.
September 2003: the abolition of Article 14 as the ruling] military of the country [38]. Of the 21 articles of the emergency laws in place since the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. [39] [40]
September 2003: gave orders to the interior minister of Egypt to develop a new law that allows each Egyptian married to a foreigner for her children on the Egyptian nationality. [39]
In December 2006: the referral of 40 of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to a military trial as military ruler of the country, the decision that the Administrative Court of the State Council ruled on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 under the chairmanship of Judge Mohammed al-Husseini, deputy head of the State Council decision rejecting the implementation of the decision of the President of the republic [41], and that an appeal by the president and she spent examining appeals court supported the President's decision. [42]
January 28, 2011: as a military ruler of the country decided to impose a curfew for the second time since the 1981 Emergency Law (first time was during the Central Security events in 1986).
January 2011 29: Ahmed Shafiq presidency Aloza commissioned and commissioned Omar Suleiman as vice president.

February 11, 2011: decided to abandoning the post of president of the republic and tasked the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of managing the country.

Abdel Halim Hafez

Abdel Halim Hafez (June 21 1929 - Mar 30 1977), Egyptian singer. His real name Abdul Halim Ali Shabana. Born in the village of Ahalouat eastern province, and there are Saraya its own and there are now some belongings. [1]

About his life

Born in the village of Ahalouat center Abrahamic eastern province, the youngest of four brothers are Ismail and Mohammed and attic. His mother died a few days after birth and before it is Abdul Halim first year his father died, to live orphanhood from the father's side as he lived from the mother's side by a living then in the house of his uncle Haj Metwally INCENTIVE. Was playing with his cousins ​​in the canal village, which moved him schistosomiasis, which destroyed his disease, and I once said I'm much, has conducted during his sixty-one surgery [2], which is the fourth son and the biggest of his brothers is Ismail Shabana, who was a singer and teacher of music the Ministry of Education, joined after a bit of maturity in the book of Sheikh Ahmed; and since the entry of the Nightingale School of brown demonstrated great passion for music even became president of the band songs in his school. Since then he tried to enter the field of singing to the intensity and passion to it.
He joined the Institute of Arabic music department composing in 1943 when he met the artist Kamal long as Abdul Halim student in the Department of composing, and Kamal in the Department of singing and sounds, was a lesson together at the institute until graduating in 1948 and was nominated to travel in a government mission abroad but canceled his travel and work 4 years a teacher of music in Tanta, Zagazig and then finally in Cairo, then resigned from teaching and then joined the musical troupe radio musicians Alobouah his family in 1950.
I met with a friend and companion-old professor Magdi Alamrsa in 1951 in the house of the Director of Broadcasting at the time radio Fahmi Omar. Nightingale discovered brown Abdel Halim Shabana great radio Hafez Abdel Wahab, who allowed him to use his name, "Hafez" instead of Shabana.
According to some sources, Abdul Halim was passed on the radio after he presented the poem "encounter" Song Salah Abdul Saboor, melody Kamal term in 1951, while other sources believe that his vacation was in 1952, after having made the song "O sweet O Brown" lyrics Samir Mahjoub, and composed by Mohammad waveform, and generally there is an agreement that he sang (Safana visits) Song Samir Mahjoub, and composed by Mohammad waveform in August 1952 and was rejected by the masses of the first sight where people were not ready to receive this kind of new to sing.
But re-sing "Safana visits" in June 1953, the day declared a republic, and has achieved great success, and then introduced the song "to have been longing" words of Mohammed Ali Ahmed, and composed by Kamal term in July 1954, and has achieved an overwhelming success, and then re-introduced in the film "tune fulfilled" in 1955, and with the growing success of the title Bandlab brown.

The beginnings
This period extends from his vacation on the radio in 1951 after submitting the poem "encounter" with lyrics Salah Abdul Saboor and composed by Kamal term, until the start of filming his first film, "Melody fulfilled" in 1955, did not have symptoms of schistosomiasis has worsened.
Nla luck in this period that a large number of songs containing the tone of optimism, such as: "That dew Festival", "I accept the morning," "a composite of Dreams", "In the silence of the night," "joy, O Xanana," "eyes Ptnagak," " Gne..gne "," night lights and Samar, "" breeze dawn, "" Wind Dmek "," wake up and the people, "" the whole world ".
Some of these songs also talk about the beautiful nature, such as: "Golden Afternoon," "Spring Is," "authentic". Some love songs also address stated beautiful nature within the human love of all that is beautiful, such as "may", "In the silence of the night," "Carnation", "Habibi P prying," "the company of Roses", "Spring poet," "Table" , "you new inspiration," "" here housebreak Gramena, "" spring rolls ".
But with the worsening of schistosomiasis has, starting from 1956, we note that the optimistic tone of his songs began to disappear gradually, and replaced by a tone of sadness in his songs.
Continued to shine
Collaborated with the composer of genius Mohammad waveform and Kamal long and eloquent Hamdi, as it has songs famous composed by musician generations Mohamed Abdel Wahab, such as: (I adore, Neptda Menen anecdote, missed spared us), then complete the Duo (Halim - pithy) in conjunction with the Egyptian poet known Mohammed Hamza best Arabic songs, most notably:
Ze-Hawa, tourists, try Fkrna, A tear sadness, promised and other songs.
The richness of the great poet Nizar Qabbani song Reader cup and a letter from under the water, which composed composer Mohamed waveform.
After the 1967 war sang in the historic concert in front of eight thousand people at the Albert Hall in London in favor of the war effort to remove the consequences of aggression. Abdul Halim presented in this concert song of Christ; Song Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and eloquent melodies Hamdi, and sang a song at the same ceremony, except the day, which is also the Obnaudi and eloquent, it is one of the leading songs concerts Abdul Halim over its long history.
He was a friend of the leader Habib Bourguiba, and Hassan II, King Hussein.
Abdul Halim dreamed submit story «no» to the great writer Mustafa Amin on the movie screen and Najla Fathi nominated for heroism, but fate did not give him. Ft 3 concert programs: «Nile Girl» poet Ahmed Mukhaimar and composed by Mohammad waveform and directed by Kamel Youssef and «unknown Shoemaker» poet Ibrahim Rajab and composed by Abdul Halim Ali and directed by Osman Abaza, «fulfillment» poet Mustafa Abdel-Rahman and music by Hussein Junaid and directed by Ismail Abdul Majid.
Night view Alamrsa
As Laila Alamrsa, the wife of a close friend of Abdul Halim late Magdi Alamrsa, which know a lot about secrets through her husband, she said, for Habiba Halim: «not Oltgaha, and when you ask Magdi it was saying to me: It's Her beautiful eyes had seen in his life, he has told I Alamrsa the first meeting, which gathered Abdul Halim, and that was inside the elevator Building «Sidi Bishr» Alexandria; that was Abdel Halim owns an apartment where, and when he saw occurred in love, and the intensity of his admiration for them walked behind her in his car until the «chalet» Special for her family, which was soon of «chalet» late writer Ihsan Abdul Quddus. » And the secrets that he knew Magdi Alamrsa about this relationship Laila said: I did not Majdi tells me especially about the life of Abdel Halim things, he was reticent to the hilt, and when you ask him about his relationship with this lady he refused to answer and tell me: You do not have the right to know what something about this relationship. Laila Alamrsa adds that the late writer Mustafa Amin said he attended one of the Abdel-Halim concerts which he sings the song «Ptlomna Les», Mustafa Amin noted that Abdel Halim throughout the song was seen as a particular direction, he looked in the same direction, which was seen as Abdul Halim, He found a lovely lady Her eyes Bjmalhma has not been seen before, he knew that it is Habiba Abdul Halim

Songs Abdel Hali
Abdul Halim presented more than two hundred and thirty song. Magdi Alamrsa, a friend of Abdul Halim Hafez has been made, the collection of his songs in a book called "Love brochure and national ... a complete record of all that richness Nightingale brown Abdel Halim Hafez," which included the majority of the richness of Abdel Halim Hafez. and what will follow is part of his songs.

Love songs
Noon vote (only) song Les counted days Fathi venerable words and music by Ali Faraj did in 1953 after a farewell.
Abdel Halim participated for the second time his vote only in the film, this time with the movie "saleswoman bread", where he sang Shukri Sarhan voice Halim song "I adore", in front of Magda sang turn in the film voice singer Brlenti Hassan.kma posted his vote only in one Adham Sharkawy songs movie starring Abdullah Ghaith .okan is the owner of the music competition in this film.
At June 18, 1953 live concert Abdel Halim city lights garden Andalus in what is considered as the first official concert, which was also the first official celebration of the proclamation of the Republic.
"Safana time": the words of Samir Mahjoub, composed by Mohammad waveform
"We are we Fein": the words of Mr. Hussein, composed by Mounir Mourad was sung by Abdel Halim with the artist Shadia in the film Delilah
"To have been longing": the words of Mohammed Ali Ahmed, composed by Kamal long
"Repentance": In 1955, Mr. Hussein lyrics, melody composer Mohamed Abdel-Wahab first songs Abdul Wahab Abdul Halim
Mark my heart: In 1969 words Morsi darling beautiful melodies Mosagar generations
"On the day of the month in the year of" Words Morsi Jamil Aziz, and composed by Kamal term.
Promised: Muhammad Hamza words and melodies eloquent Hamdi
"Meet": Song Salah Abdul Saboor and composed by Kamal long, the first special song recorded by Abdel Halim Hafez radio.
"Letter from the underwater": the words of Nizar Qabbani, and composed by Mohammad waveform
"Lover" full Shenawi lyrics, melodies Mugi
"Reader cup": the last thing indispensable; and was at a party Easter in 1977 with lyrics and music by Nizar Qabbani, Mohammed waveform.
"Gana fancy" words and music by Mohammed Hamza eloquent Hamdi, Abdul Halim sang the song first in theaters, having achieved great success in the film presented by my father over the tree in 1969.
Sweetie who you are: the words of Khalid bin Saud eloquent and composed this song Hamdi was published after the death of Abdel-Halim.

Patriotic songs
"New Testament" in 1952, the first national anthem of his riches, Abdel Halim Hafez in his life, from the words of Mahmoud Abdul Hai, composed by Abdul Hamid Tawfiq Zaki, was sung by Abdel Halim after the 23 Revolution of July.
"We are the people," the first song sung by Abdel Halim President Gamal Abdel Nasser after the popularly chosen to be president of the republic in 1956, the first technical meeting between triple Abdul Halim and Kamal Mahln long and poet Salah Sahin.
Mohamed Abdel Wahab provides the first collaboration with Abdul Halim in the field of patriotic songs in 1956, with the song "O God, our country," which is sung by Abdel Halim after a trio of aggression.
"At home" or "Song of Christ" and singing the words of Jerusalem Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and eloquent melodies Hamdi and distribution of Ali Ismail.
"Your son tells you, my hero," the words of Abdul Rahman Abnoudi, and composed by Kamal term.
"Song of the largest home" in 1960 from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel, composed by Mohamed Abdel Wahab.
"The Story of the people" in 1960 from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel and composed by Kamal long, in the lights of the city ceremony, which was held in Aswan to celebrate laying the foundation stone of the construction of the High Dam.
"Algeria" sung by Abdel Halim in 1962 to greet the struggle of the people of Algeria, who gained their independence in the same year.
"The demands of the people" on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the revolution July 23, 1962, from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel and composed by Kamal long and distribution Ali Ismail.
"Image" festival sang in the revolution in the July 23, 1966, with lyrics and music by Salah Jaheen Kamal term.
"Odai day" in 1967 and is one of the most prominent songs Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman with lyrics and music by Kamal Abnoudi term.
"I swear Basmaha" in 1967, which Abdul Halim promised to be sung in all his concerts until the liberation of the land of Egypt in the Sinai, from the words of Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and composed by Kamal term.
"Venice Atkelmt" in 1968, from the words of Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi and composed by Kamal term.
"Who lived" the first song sung by Abdel Halim after victory in October 1973 with lyrics and music by Mohammed Hamza eloquent Hamdi said, was the first song he praised the role of President Anwar Sadat in the great victory of Egypt.
Last action between Abdul Halim and Kamal long with the song "Good Morning Sina date" in 1974.
"Star leaned on the Moon" in 1975, Mohsen Al-Khayat and composed by Mohammad waveform lyrics, and "composite promised," with lyrics and music by Aldmrani Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab after the re-opening of the Suez Canal global navigation.

Mohamed Naguib

Mohamed Naguib
Major General Staff of war Mohammed Najib (FEB 191 901 - August 28 1984), a political and military Egyptian, the first president of the Republic of Egypt after the termination of property declared a republic (June 18, 1953), is also the commander of the revolution of July 23, 1952 that ended with the removal of King Farouk and his departure for Egypt, [5]. Took over as Prime Minister in Egypt during the period (March 8, 1954 April 18 1954), [6] [7] He also served as commanding general of the Egyptian armed forces and minister of war in 1952. [8] [9]
Ould Mohamed Najib Sudan, and joined the Faculty of Gordon then military school where he graduated in 1918, then joined the Royal Guard in 1923. He received his Bachelor of Law in 1927 and was the first officer in the Egyptian army obtained. Earned a postgraduate degree in political economy in 1929 and another diploma in higher studies in private law in 1931. [1] [10]
In December 1931 he was promoted to the rank of Alaozbashi (captain) and transferred to the Frontier Corps in 1934 in El-Arish, and then became part of the Commission, which oversaw the organization of the Egyptian army in Khartoum after the treaty of 1936, and the Egyptian army magazine founded in 1937 and was promoted to the rank of Alsag (leading) 6 may 1938. feet Mohamed Naguib resigned following the February 1942 4 incident in which the besieged British tanks King Farouk Palace to force him to re-Nahhas to the prime minister, came to resign in protest because he was not able to protect his property, who swore his oath of allegiance, but officials at the Palace Abdeen thanked him with gratitude and refused to accept his resignation. Promoted to the rank of Mayor (colonel) in June 1944. In that year he was appointed governor of the Sinai, regionally, and in 1947 he was responsible for the machine guns in al-Arish. And promoted to the rank Alomiralaa (Dean) in 1948. [11] [12]
Participated in the Palestine war in 1948 and was wounded seven times, also conferred the first military star Fouad in recognition of his courage in addition to the rank of Bakoah, and after the war he was appointed director of the School of the officers, and learn about the organization of the Free Officers through Alsag Abdul Hakim Amer, and in July 23 1952 Taliban carried out the July plan renamed (b corrective movement) and ended with a waiver of King Farouk heir to the throne and leave the country, and in 1953, Najib became the first president of the country after the termination of the Royal proclamation of the Republic. [13]
Announced the principles of the six-revolution, and select agricultural property, but he was at odds with the Revolutionary Command Council officers because of his desire in the army returned to its barracks and the return of civilian parliamentary life, [14] As a result, tendered his resignation in February, then returned again after the March crisis, [15] but in the November 14, 1954 forced the Revolutionary command Council to resign, and put him under house arrest with his family in Zainab Palace agent away from political life and to prevent any visits to him, until 1971, when President Sadat decided to end the house arrest imposed on him, but he remained banned from the media appear until his death on August 28, 1984. [16]
Despite the political and historical role leading to Mohammed Najib, however, after the overthrow of the president removed his name from the documents and all records, books and prevent the appearance or the appearance of his name completely over thirty years so I think many Egyptians that he had died, and it was mentioned in the documents and books that Nasser is the first president of Egypt, and continued the matter until the late eighties when his name resurfaced again and decorations were returned to his family, and his name was on some facilities, streets, and in 2013 his family was awarded the Grand collar of the Nile. [17] [18]

Its inception

Ould Mohamed Najib Sudan Saqiat Abul-Ela in Khartoum, Egyptian father and mother Egyptian-Sudanese origin named «Flower Mohamed Osman», full name Mohamed Naguib Youssef pole Alakeclan [19], there is disagreement about the date of birth, as the official date of the serrations carried out by the army is February 19, 1901, [20] and usually not be accurate, but in his memoirs, it was reported that a senior family told him that he was born by one of his relatives forty days, and found that the account of his birth date is July 7 1902. [21] [22]
His father Joseph Najib began his farmer in his village Alnharih Kafr El Zayat center Gharbia Governorate in Egypt, [23] which is next to the famous Lapierre village then joined the military school and the superiority of it, and after graduating took part in the retrieval of Sudan's 1898 campaigns, Yusuf Najib married a Sudanese named Lady Mohammed Hamza Sharif and gave birth to their first son, Abbas, and then divorced her, [24] and after he married Ms. «flower» daughter Alomiralaa Mohamed Bey Osman in 1900, an Egyptian officer, his family lives in Omdurman cited in one of the battles against the Mahdist War, [25] has fathered Joseph Ms. flower three sons Mohammad Najib, Ali Mahmoud Najib Najib, also fathered six daughters. When Muhammad Najib was 13 years old his father died, leaving behind him is made up of ten members of the family, Vohs responsibility early, was not it only a so diligent in Gordon College graduate quickly. [26] [27]

His life
Najib Mohammed received his education in Wad Medani in 1905 where memorizing the Quran and learn to read and write, his father moved to Wadi Halfa in 1908 enrolled in primary school there, then joined the Faculty of Algordon in 1913. [28]
Mohamed Naguib says in his memoirs: «I was a student in the second year of college in 1914 and came Mr Simpson, English teacher, to dictate to us to dictate a piece in which he said that Egypt was ruled by the British, did not dislike it. And he stopped writing. And I got up and stood by, and I said to him: No, sir Egypt occupied by Britain all but independent internally and belonging to Turkey, railed English teacher and anger and insisted that I go in front of him to his office and ordered thrashing ten lashes on my back and surrendered to death painful without that I move or open my mouth »[29]
After graduating from college he joined the Institute of Tropical Research to train on a typewriter as a prelude to work as an interpreter for a salary of three pounds a month, and after graduation is not satisfied with what he has achieved and insisted on entering the Military Academy in Cairo. [30]
He joined the military academy in Egypt in April 1917 where he graduated in January 23, 1918, then traveled to Sudan on February 19, 1918 at the same age his father and joined the same Egyptian battalion, which was staffed by his father to begin his life as an officer in the Egyptian army battalion 17th infantry. [31] [32] [33]
With the revolution of 1919 insisted on participating in spite of contrary to the rules of the army, he travels to Cairo and sit on the stairs of the house of the nation, carrying the Egyptian flag next to him and a group of young officers. Then go to the cavalry in Shendi. Battalion that served them were canceled, go to the Western Division cart in Cairo in 1921. [34] [35]
Got the qualification certificate, and entered the school police for two months, and became aware of the various categories of the Egyptian people, he graduated and served in Abdeen sections, ancient Egypt, Bulaq, Helwan. Again returned to Sudan in 1922 with the band 13 and the Sudanese served in Wau in Bahr al-Ghazal, then go to the unity of the machine guns in Malakal. [36]
He then moved to the Royal Guard in Cairo on April 28, 1923, then moved to eighth band Maadi because of his support for the militants Sudanese, he received a baccalaureate degree in 1923 and joined the Faculty of Law, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in 1924, and was fluent in English, French, Italian, German and male in his memoirs, he also learned Hebrew, and although his responsibility was fond of science. [37] [38]

Mohammed Najib in the Frontier Corps
In 1927, Muhammad Naguib first officer in the Egyptian army gets LLB, and post-graduate diploma in political economy in 1929 and another diploma in higher studies in private law in 1931 and began to prepare his doctoral thesis, but the nature of his military, and the large number of his movements prevented completion. [39] [40] [41]
In 1929 learning Mohamed Naguib lesson from Mustafa copper, the King Fuad issued a decision to dissolve parliament because the majority of its members were from the Wafd Party, which was always the collision King Vtkhvy in clothes Khademnobi, and jumped on the roof of Mustafa copper house, and offered him the army intervened to force the king to respect opinion of the people, but the brass told him, I prefer that the army away from politics, and that when a nation is the source of authority, it was an important lesson to learn from which a great deal about the need for separation of powers and respect for democratic parliamentary life, a lesson that would be applied thereafter in 1954. [42] [43]
Promoted to the rank of Aozbashi (captain) in December 1931, and the transfer of arms to the border in 1934, then moved to El Arish. Was part of the committee that oversaw the organization of the Egyptian army in Khartoum after the treaty of 1936 and then founded the Egyptian army magazine in 1937 and was promoted to the rank of Alsag (pilot) in the May 6, 1938, and rejected that year to conduct joint military exercises with the British in Marsa Matruh. [44] [ 45] [46]
Following the February 4 incident in 1942 an incident in which British tanks surrounded the palace of King Farouk to force him to re-Nahhas to the prime minister or to give up the throne. Anger Mohammed Najib was then coined the rank of (pilot) and went so far as to resign in protest and anger because he was unable to protect his property, who swear an oath of allegiance to him, thanked the officials in Abdeen Palace feelings and refused to extradite his resignation. [47]

Promoted to the rank of district officer (colonel) in June 1944, and in that year was appointed provincial governor of Sinai, and in 1947 he was responsible for the machine guns in al-Arish, and promoted to the rank Alomiralaa (Dean) in 1948. [11] [12]

His participation in the 1948 Palestine War
This war 7 seven times, three were seriously injured «so it was a badge number mode (3) on the official his military uniform», and the most dangerous of the third and final injury in battle (Clerks 86) in December 1948, [48] where he was wounded by bullets while trying to save a his soldiers when he disrupted his tanks, and was injured severely Najib since stabilized bullets just a few centimeters from his heart, and when he hid behind a tree found blood bursting from his chest, and wrote his will to his children which he said «remember my children that your father died Bcharf.ccant recent desire to avenge the defeat in Palestine and struggling for the unity of the Nile Valley. [49] [50]

When taken to the hospital the doctors thought he was martyred, and entered Alaozbashi Salahuddin Sharif to look Allowada on his body taking away the cover and fell teardrop on the face of Muhammad Najib and achieved a miracle has moved his eyes suddenly doctors realized he was still alive and rushed rescued him, and then got a «star Fouad military first »in recognition of his bravery in this battle with him the title of Bakoah he was the first Egyptian officer leads over the Legion alone. [51] [52] [53]

Joining the Free Officers Movement
After the 1948 war, Najib returned to Cairo commander of the School of bone officers, and the certainty that the main enemy is not the Jews, as they are Hola men who commit it behind us misdeeds and sins are challenging their honor, including committing of follies, and it was always repeating that the battle really in Egypt, not in Palestine. do not hesitate to these words say to those who trust in them from the officers, and at a time was Alsag Abdul Hakim Amer Military Staff of the brigade Mohammed Najib, and it seems that the word of Mohammed Najib of corruption in Cairo had influenced him he went to his friend Gamal Abdel Nasser and told him, as recounted Amer Najib then: I have found in General Mohamed Naguib a great treasure. [54] [55]
Gamal Abdel Nasser had begun in the formation of the organization of the Free Officers since 1949, which caused the defeat of Palestine in the broadcast state of discontent and the desire to eliminate feudalism and corruption and internal creation of a strong army, while adhering to the rules of absolute confidentiality, the organization wants to be led by one of the senior officers in order to get the organization to support the rest of the officers, already offer it Abdel Nasser Mohammad Najib he agreed immediately. [56]

Mohammed Najib in the officers' club
Tharwat Okasha - a Liberal - officers says in his book «memoirs between politics and culture»: «Major General Mohamed Naguib A military leaders renowned for three reasons: First, ethics high, and the second is the broad culture, he holds a Bachelor of Law, and a graduate of Staff College and is fluent in more than the language, and the third his courage in the Palestine war, in which role models for others and hit the nail admiration of all the officers on the battlefield ». [57] [58]
The choice to organize the Free Officers to Mohamed Naguib secret of the success of the organization within the army, was the organization officers when putting on the rest of the army officers to join the movement were asking from the leader, and when they know that General Mohamed Naguib are rushing to join. [59]
Military historian Major General Jamal Hammad, one of the Free Officers, said that the movement were not to succeed Lula join Mohammad Najib to what was his good reputation in the army, and what was his position of importance, as the rest of the Free Officers were those with small and unknown times. [60]
His candidacy for the officers' club
The officers' club election as the first effective step in the path of the revolution on July 23, before the club elections were the Executive Committee to organize the Free Officers believe that it is not possible to do a revolution before 1955, but after the election officers felt the extent of their power. Mohammed Najib nominated himself president of the club's board to feel the pulse of the army, testing the strength of the Free Officers and a challenge to the king, and the king challenge nominated Hussein Sirri Amer. The election was the first real test of the popularity of Mohamed Naguib within the army. [61] [62]
With the rising of the dawn of the first day of January 1952 announced the result and got Mohamed Naguib overwhelmingly collective alum, did not get his competitors only on 58 votes only, severe shock to the king, the result was decided to solve the club's board. [63] [64]
The atmosphere in Egypt in flames as a result of Cairo Fire incident on January 24, followed by the Ismaili incident on January 25 after the killing of a number of policemen, asked them to English troops handed over their headquarters and their weapons and refused, and clashed with the English forces so that left more than 40 people dead, was a popular king in decline severe and make it in a weak position, making it easy to organize the Liberal military officers. [65]
On July 18, 1952 Negotiable Mohammed Najeeb Mohammad Hashim, Minister of Interior - the son-Prime Minister - based on last request, which asked about the reasons for grumbling officers, and offered him the post of Minister of War, but Najib refused and preferred to stay the army because he doubt scheme aims to remove him from the troops armed, and during their conversation informed him Mohammad Hashim, there are 13 name for army officers shared organization called (Free officers), and that the property Saraya has identified eight individuals whom they will be arrested, making Najib meets hastily High Commission to organize free officers to speed up the implementation of the plan , which are carried out on July 23, 1952. [66] [67] [68]

Antara Bin Shaddad

Antara Bin Shaddad

Asmhantarh bin Shaddad ibn al-Absi, acaricide (525 m - 608 m) is one of the most famous Arab poets in the period before Islam, and the poetry of famous equestrian, and has a famous outstanding. The most famous knights of the Arabs, and poet known for the beautiful pendants and his hair and spun Afif Bablh.

its name

Antara derivation of the name of the hit flies Alantar said to him, although it is not a nun Bzaidh it from Etr and Etr slaughter and Alantarh is also the behavior in adversity and courage in the war. Though seniors do not know Boehma was called: Bantar or Bantarh have also differed in being his name or title. The Antara nicknamed Bafilh, from cleft any incision in the lower lip and was known as the father of Fawares to Frosath and nicknamed Abu on livelihoods and dad fuller and dad Amols for his boldness in Algls or Soadeh which is Kalgls, he has inherited that majority of his mother Zabiba, since his mother was Ethiopian, and because of this dense blackness promise the ancient Arabs of the strangest.
Some narrators drawer label Antara as the Antar sometimes, perhaps based on what they have heard of the saying:
Antar claim and spears like --- Ohtan well in that Adham
And saying in a second subject:
I have healed myself and healed Sagmha --- told Fawares Wake Antar oldest
Khatib Tabrizi explained first house, saying: "The story of Antar-any Baldm- It is narrated by opening ra it incubation of Antara and leave the pre-deleted as it is open, it is narrated Antar included ra endured a two-sided: one that has made Mabaki name unchanged but it might became a party to the Bedouins as a character, and the second to Marotta radiator from one that was called "Antara" for this face is only permissible annexation, thus mentioned copper, Antar may be on this face erected to "claim". " Explainer dictionary mentions that "may be named Antara also went to Sibawayh." That frequent in the approved books and many Maalih is that the name "Antara" no "Antar" and Alantarh behavior in adversity and courage in the war, and this is the closest to a named Knight built frowned.

Birth and upbringing

Antar was born in the first quarter of the sixth century AD [2], and based on the news, and his involvement in the dust bowl and felon war has identified birthday in the year 525 AD. These figures reinforce the frequency of news related Bmasrth each of the Amr ibn al-authors of the Lord and Alahtaih and both realized Islam [3].
His mother was Ethiopian princess is said to have Zabiba Rrger, captured in an attack on her convoy and impressed by Shaddad Antara so he gave them, and had to Antara brothers from his mother and the servants are Greer Chiboub. And it was also a slave because the Arabs would not recognize Beni slaves unless Amtazoa on Okavaihm championship or poetic or otherwise [4].


Is: Antara Bin Shaddad ibn Amr ibn Muawiyah bin tick Makhzoom bin Rabia Auf bin Malik bin Ghalib bin rupture Ben frowned bin hateful son of heir to Ben Gtefan bin Saad bin Qais Bin Eilan It was harmful. [5]

His attributes
Antar was born an Arab father and mother Ethiopian, came different from the rest of his peers in the magnitude and created a frown face and Tfilv his hair and grew his muzzle and his bones hardness and intensity of his shoulders, and his tall, semi-Shaddad created by his father. [6]

His life in slavery

Savor Antara bitterness of deprivation and hardship and humiliation of the house because his father did not Estelhakh percentage, his father is was a master, punish him severely punished on Maigtervh of flaws, and the toxicity of his stepmother TDs to him when his father and weave his intrigues, and so they Hreshet him his father once, and said, "The Antara harbor about myself." His father became angry outrage and hit his head his diet, struck him severely with a stick, and follow it with the sword, but the toxicity of compassion overtaken in the end Vartemt him crying prevent strokes of his father, his father and keeping his teams. Antara says he considered the poetry of it [7]:

Astelhakh proportions of his father

The tribe of Tay raided frowned in retaliation to her, as previously tribe frowned be invaded and Astaguet Ablha, was Antara built with his people in the cut-throat bout, but he participated advocate not a suicide, and the reason for that is Roy that he had participated before in the invasion of Tay, but Bouksuh right in the spoils, as they imposed a share, including a half slave and he refused, and then failed to go into battle. And intensified rhetoric on brown frowned until almost robbed of its resources and spin them circles, and then shouted Bantarh his father, saying: "Carr Aaantarh!" He replied Antara on appeal: "Do not hit, but improves slave Hallab and of exchange." At that moment, his father did not find that rather than give him considered him shouted: "Carr and you are free." Think about Antara and claimed the attack which seeks:

Antar and Abla

Antara loved his cousin Abla girl owner of the greatest and most intense love, and was one of the most beautiful women folk and drove them notorious in the mind and supple boyhood is complete, and said it was the harshest Maieiq love this arrogance of her father's owner and nose of her brother Amr.
Antara submit to his uncle Malik Abla preaches his daughter, but he refused to marry the daughter of a black man. It is said: he asked him to crippling him and dam of ways in the face with a thousand camels from the camels Numan known in birds dowry for his daughter, and said: The Antara came out in the request for birds Numan even accrue Bablh, and he had been in the process of horrors daunting, and was captured, then check his dream in the end He returned to his tribe and his Mehr Abla thousand of the birds King Numan. But his uncle returned Amatalh and cost him his command of prohibitive, then think of to get rid of it, introduced his daughter to the Knights of the tribes to be the head of Antara dowry.
Then finally be omitted by ancient sources and left her researchers disagree around, some of whom felt that Antara won Bablh and married her, and some of them believe that it did not marry her, but her fingernail Last Knight of the Knights of the Arabs [8].
Arab sources have been silent about Abla mentioned only in the field of rejuvenation Antara her and love her, not acknowledging whether he had married her mother remained his passion pending. Where the others went on to say that Abla Antara did not marry, but celibacy in love with her, and that her father and her brother Mnaah of her marriage, and she married one of her people, despite the supervision of Antara. Proponents of this view has been measured as saying this analogy usually prevent the Arabs from their daughters to be Azvven of Ahbb them before marriage.
Some tend to the view that the Antara married Abla factors and reasons, including that it may Asthalq proportions father Fzalt him hybridization ratios and became cousin Abla, then he was the most famous knights of the tribe of Bani frowned but Knight of the Arab horsemen, and his strength and Frosath is no omissions from his account of Abla wants marriage, as it will be subjected to retaliation and revenge for the Antara dignity [7].

His death
Antar's life ended after he reached the age of ninety-year-old almost lost his life was confined between the years 525 and 615 AD, said Zarkali in the media that his death was in 600 AD, which is the equivalent of the twenty-second year prior to migration [7].
He said at the end of Antara several novels, traded on the novel and the novel is weighted by saying that the owner of the songs Antara raided Bani Nabhan Tay expelled from their prey, a senior sheikh, Making a Ertdz ask, he says, the effects Zlman parts Mahrb.
He said: It was a button (and was told button) bin Jaber al-Nabhani in youthfulness, Faramah said: Take it and I'm Selma, and cut off his Mtah (ie back), Vthaml Baremeih until his family came, he said, He was wounded:
Although Salma son with him, know my blood and crying does not please son of Salma and my blood
It solves Boknav coral belongs somewhere Thuraya not Palmthim

He threw me was not surprised to Bozark Hzm eve solved between Naf and perforated