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الثلاثاء، 5 يوليو 2016

King Farouk

King Farouk (FEB 111920-18 March 1965), the last king of the Egyptian kingdom and another from
the rule of Egypt from the top of the family. His reign lasted for sixteen years to be ousted by the organization Free Officers in the revolution of July 23, and forced him to abdicate to his son, the child Ahmed Fouad, which he was then six months and that then isolated in the June 18, 1953 to transfer Egypt from ownership to the Republic.
After his abdication lived in exile in Rome, and was visiting, including Switzerland, France, and to the fact that he died in Rome on March 18, 1965 and was buried first in the tombs of Ibrahim Pasha in Imam Shafi'i area and then transferred his remains in the era of President Anwar Sadat to the royal tomb mosque Rifai Cairo implementation to his will.

Birth and upbringing

Farouk bin Fuad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim Pasha, son of Mohammed Ali Pasha was born on February 11, 1920 issued a communiqué Soltani, the Council of Ministers announced the birth of Prince Farouk in Abdeen Palace, overfill joy in the country and a 21-salvo cannon, and the granting of government employees and bank holiday, was amnesty for some prisoners, and distributed alms to the poor.
Farooq was the son of the greatest of his parents, King Fuad I and Queen Nazli has four sisters and they:
Princess Fawzia Fuad I girl
Princess Faiza girl Fouad I
Princess super girl Fouad I
Princess Fathia girl Fouad I
As was his half brothers from his father's wife Princess Cioh Carr who are divorced by King Fouad in 1898 and two
Prince Ismail Bin Fuad he, who died in 1897, the time of his death and was less than a year old
Princess immediate girl Fouad I

King Farouk as a youngster
King Fuad bothered to raise his son Farouk highly exaggerated concern Fjolh trapped narrow circle of dealers with him and that was the circle of his mother and sisters, princesses addition to the nanny English (Miss Inna Taylor) was that the nanny is very strict in dealing with the little prince was authoritarian to the point that she was objected to the instructions of his mother Queen Nazli with regard to raising Farouk.
It does not Farooq at that point any friends of the children of princes or pashas, ​​which gave the opportunity for some residents in the palace to reach out to the little prince and they do not refuse his request in addition to that they were corrupting what the nanny English and issued instructions and guidance on the little prince.
Farouk became crown prince when he was young age, and he was King Fouad title «Emir level» in the December 12, 1933.
King Fouad first takes advantage of any opportunity to present the little prince to the people who will belong to him .. so took him with him on several occasions, the first was Guides ceremony in Ahly in an April 7 1932 and was Umar Farooq, and then 12 years as deputized - due to circumstances Mrdah- in the presence of an official ceremony was hosted by the British Air Force on February 23, 1934 as well as the opening of the international Conference on e in 1934 was Prince Farouk scuff and then doing well in all the events he attended.
Britain was pursuing the little prince and the developments of his life .. he is the future king who comes into contact with and directly Italian culture through his father and through the Italian footnote resident palace and surrounding Little Prince, which at the same time have an impact on the King Father, especially Italian Prime footnote (Ernesto Ferrucci large palace Engineers) . When the size of Prince Farouk little Britain started asking to travel to Britain to learn in college (Eaton), a prestigious college there, but the young age of Prince Farouk at the time and the opposition Queen Nazli was disrupted, it was replaced for that instructors Englishmen and Egyptians, and Britain was aiming behind to keep the little prince from the Italian culture that was surrounding him permanently.
Farouk in young adulthood [edit]
When Prince Farouk reached the age of fourteen repeated Sir Miles Lampson request to King Fouad need to travel, Prince Farouk to Britain but he insisted so strongly rejecting any attempt of King Fuad to delay his departure until he reaches the age of sixteen But the King Fuad could not refuse this time it was decided Travel Farouk to Britain, but without joining the faculty of Eaton but was appended to the Faculty and Ulc military science but due to the fact that Farooq had not reached eighteen years and is one of the entry requirements that the college has been agreed that the young prince outside the college education at the hands of teachers from the same college Prince Farouk was accompanied during his trip accompanying his mission headed by Ahmed Hassanein to pilot him - and who had a big role in his life after that - in addition to the Egyptian Aziz, who was deputy head of mission and great for teachers as well as Omar Fathi guard of the Prince and Senior Aleaoran later as well Dr. Abbas Kafrawi special doctor and Saleh Hashim, a professor of Arabic language in addition to Hussein Pasha Hosni private secretary, was the presence of Ahmed Pasha Hassanein, as a companion to the prince on his journey as a catalyst to the prince on the starting has encouraged him to go to the theater, cinema, accompanying women, as well as gambling while he was Egyptian Aziz permanently object to any such actions and was trying by all means to make Farouk successful and qualified military man to be king able to practice next role as king of Egypt, Farouk, of course, by virtue of the harsh and strict upbringing conditions tends to Ahmed Pasha Hassanein reject and rebel against the instructions and orders Aziz al-Masri, and in that period and during the presence of the Prince Farouk in Britain to study the disease has intensified the King Fouad and became on his deathbed was the political forces is beginning to recognize the patient's condition, King and began preparing for after that and, of course, Britain was one of the most political powers worried about the situation, proposed the formation of the tutelage of the board consists of three members: Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq, a cousin of Prince Farouk was a English tendencies and he always felt that deserving of the throne of Egypt, and the second is Muhammad Tawfiq Nasim Pasha former prime minister, one of the men of the palace and the third is the biggest Sheikh Maraghi Imam when Prince Farouk aware strongly his father's illness King Fouad and his desire to see his son's request to return to Egypt to see his father and agreed to Britain after hesitation on the return Farouk to Egypt for a visit before returning to complete his studies, but he and before Farouk travels to Egypt to see his father, his father King Fuad I have met God in an April 28 1936

His rule
The death of King Fuad involved an important page in the history of modern Egypt to begin after a new page of the history of the family of Muhammad Ali Pasha, the founder of the Alawite family, Prince Farouk returned to Egypt on May 6, 1936, the date, which was adopted later the official history of sitting on the throne, and set a king over the country after his father King Fuad I, in accordance with the system of inheritance of the throne of Kingdom of Egypt in the house of Mohamed Ali, who positioned himself King Fouad understanding with the Englishmen.
The material is eighth in line to the throne system stipulates that "King of the age of majority if he completed the age of eighteen years crescent"
Article IX also stipulates that: to be the king of the minor body tutelage to the throne to take over the power of the king until he reaches adulthood.
Article X has identified how the formation of the Trusteeship Council as follows:
"Compose the tutelage of the throne, a panel of three selected by the king to crown the minor document liberation of the two originals filed one Diwan of the king and the other Priash cabinet and kept the document in a sealed envelope does not open the envelope and announce the document only after his death and before the parliament" should be whoever is appointed in guardianship body must be an Egyptian Muslim and to choose from the following classes mentioned:
The princes of the royal family and kinsmen Osaarham
Heads of the current parliament and former
Ministers or have held positions of Minister
Chairman and members of the Senate, as well as former superiors that if the Constitution provided for the creation of the Council of elders
That this check is not implemented unless approved by the parliament.
And it has been assigned King jobs to the Trusteeship Council Alzya chosen by King Fouad before his death and that of King Fouad wrote their names in a document of two originally deposited one in the Royal Court dish other and deposited in parliament .. has been open documents and make sure these numbers to match in a parliamentary session on 8 May 1936 renamed the Council of guardians to the throne has been where they are:
. Prince Mohammed Ali Tawfiq largest princes upper beds are not and which has become the crown to the throne as well as a post he held until the birth of the first son of Farooq Ahmed Fouad
. Sharif Sabri Pasha (brother of Queen Nazli any free King Farouk)
. Aziz Ezzat Pasha (Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time and was the first Ambassador of Egypt to the United Kingdom)
Since taking office appointed Dr. Hussein Pasha Hosni special secretary to him until his abdication.
And it continued custody for almost a year and three months since King Farouk completed 18 years crescent on 21 May first 1356 H, corresponding to July 29, 1937 m and it has been the day of his coronation as king formally an official of the country and took the throne alone without the tutelage Council.

The whole Egyptian people, the young king, received a warm wonderful stems from the hearts of the Egyptians who loved the young king was hearts are all condescend to him for his young age and the death of his father, a long with him and in a strange country and cheered his arrival good after the reign of his father, who was seen as the king of a despot and a pro for the English.

Attempt to complete the study

After Farouk return to Egypt and take custody of the Board carry out its functions asked Prince Mohammed Ali Ahmed Hassanein (your) preparation Darcy program of King Farouk to the completion of his studies that were not completed by overseas that he comes after periodic reports on the regularity of the conduct of the study and asked Ahmed Hassanein (your) Hussein Pasha Hosni assume this responsibility embarking in the development of the desired program of study in conjunction with Ahmed Hassanein (back), and had to walk (Miles Lampson) British High Commissioner has been nominated a young Englishman named Mister (Ford) to teach the etiquette of the English language, as well as to train young prince in some games sports, but the young prince was not so hello Englishman because he was a candidate of the British envoy.

The celebration of the inauguration of King of Egypt Farouk
It is noteworthy, Dr. Hussein Hosni Pasha's private secretary of King Farouk in his book (years with King Farouk) for the celebration of the inauguration of King Farouk he says (and I was the inauguration of the King holiday concerts and even festivals sustained the country has not seen him seen before and has never Zkhrt capital as much as they rallied in which from the crowds of arrivals from the most remote corners of the country and abroad to participate in the celebration of the king the young man or just see his convoy to go to parliament and to pray or to attend a military parade or Ajtla decorations set up in the streets, squares and public and private buildings, and the palace has witnessed what has not been seen before congestion overflowed its aspects and aspects of the large pavilion, which was held in the courtyard to greet well-wishers day ceremonies, which lasted two hours longer than planned, King which remained afloat to shake hands with every member of the well-wishers causing him to ask a short period of rest, and moreover, the representatives of those crowds from various groups and organizations called for a tea party, which was held garden palace in the last days of concerts and took King moving between different tables to greet the guests before he takes his place on the big table in their midst, and was happy all the happiness of what has been the hand of a new opening in the traditions of the palace and was shrouded by people from appearances and respond to him).

The title of the king of Egypt and Sudan

It was declared the end of the British protectorate over Egypt following a statement February 28, 1922 Egypt turned to the Kingdom .. The first constitution in 1923 setting the wake of independence and despite the end of protection Britain has retained four features:
Right England in securing transportation empire in Egypt
England right to defend Egypt against any attack or foreign interference
Protection of foreign interests and minorities
England right to act in Sudan

Put your Sudan's decision to terminate the British protectorate over Egypt did not allow Ptlguib King Fouad title of the king of Egypt and Sudan as expressly provided in the Constitution in the door of the transitional provisions setting shows that King Fouad title is determined as ending the English of the report put Sudan later dubbed the presence of His Majesty King Fouad I - king of Egypt and Mr. Nuba of Kordofan and Darfur and successive Egyptian governments entered into negotiations with Britain in order to evacuate Under previous concessions, the British army was present in many parts of Egypt and Sudan in 1936 and Egypt signed the friendship with Britain treaty included clauses and the presence of the British army palace on the Canal zone only with reducing the number of troops to 10,000 troops, as well as the right of the British army in aviation over the Canal zone, as well as Egypt's right to create a regular army (the Egyptian army has been disbanded in 1882 by decision of the Khedive Tawfiq after the British occupation of Egypt) also agreement stated that this review the situation after 20 years, with the extent of the Egyptian army's ability to maintain the safety of navigation in the Suez Canal also included treaty clause spend returns the Egyptian army to Sudan and the recognition of joint management with Britain .. and gave the treaty right of Egypt to demand the abolition of foreign privileges and freedom in politics treaties with foreign countries held and the abolition of a statement February 28 four its reservations and exchange ambassadors with Great Britain, and after the death of King Fuad in 1936, King Farouk throne of Egypt took over .. and had a dome when he took the throne, the king of Egypt and the owner of Sudan, Kordofan and Darfur, and not the king of Egypt and Sudan led the second World war to delay the implementation of the provisions Treaty 36, and after the English troops began to withdraw to the cities of the channel under the Convention, and it was incumbent Egyptian government at the time to achieve full evacuation unconditional entered in another series of negotiations to amend the treaty of 1936 items and add improvements to the gains achieved, but the negotiations after holding Britain failed giving Sudan the right to self-determination against the evacuation of Egypt, prompting the government of Mustafa Nahas Pasha and parliament to abolish the 1936 Treaty on October 15, 1951, and the impact of this cancellation was declaring a state of armed struggle against the British military forces in the channel .. also been included Sudan to sovereignty Egyptian Tlguib King Farouk, "the king of Egypt and Sudan," many of the world did not recognize this title and caught fire, the conflict with England and then Tsaadt events internally as it entered Egypt after the announcement in a wave of chaos "unknown perpetrator" of sectarian strife to fires to demonstrations to ban Roaming and the provisions of the then customary events evolved and culminated Faqamt Free officers movement on July 26 under the direction of King Farouk warning asking him to leave the country and cede the throne to Crown Prince Ahmed Fouad fell rule of the delegation and the King

Incident of February 4
February 4, 1942 in the British forces Bmhasrth Abdeen Palace, and forced the British ambassador in Cairo, Sir Miles Lampson to sign the decision to summon the Wafd Party leader Mustafa copper to form a government alone or to give up the throne.
That was the incident had occurred during World War II, and the German forces led by Erwin Rommel in El Alamein, was the military situation fraught with dangerous possibilities on Egypt and follow your constitutional tradition to form a ministry to appease the majority of people can tighten the grip of the internal situation, he asked the British ambassador of it written by the Ministry of keen on loyalty to the Treaty of 1936 in letter and spirit is capable of implementation and enjoys the support of the majority of public opinion, and that is no later than February 3, 1942, so the king summoned leaders of political parties in an attempt to form the Ministry of national or coalition, and they were all but Mustafa copper in favor of the idea of ​​coalition cabinet under his chairmanship they prevent privately-Wafd party rule especially that they have a majority in parliament, he asked the UK ambassador Sir Miles Lampson waving the use of force in front of the King, on the day in February 1942 4:00 asked Ambassador interview by Royal Court Chief Ahmed Hassanein, and handed him an ultimatum addressed to the king Hadh it that if he did not know before six in the evening he had been assigned to Mustafa copper to form a government he must bear the consequences of what is happening, and it was a serious ambassador to this warning, and it was longer occupies the throne place, the Crown Prince Mohamed Ali Tawfiq, which has been the dream of ascending the anticipating the throne for many years, and the biggest members of the family of Muhammad Ali are not, however, the Wafd Party leader Mustafa copper refused warning. When this evening February 4, 1942 directed the ambassador, along with the commander of British forces in Egypt «Gen. Stone» and with them a number of British officers the gunmen surrounded the Abdeen Palace Square with tanks and British soldiers and income to the Office of the King and was with him Diwan chairman Ahmed Hassanein, and put in front of him and close his abdication He has written the document:
We Farouk I of Egypt, courtesy to the interests of our country, we here give up the throne and give up any right in it for ourselves and our posterity, and give up all rights, privileges and powers which we have had by virtue of sitting on the throne, and here we also solve our parishes of the oath of allegiance to who we are.

Released in Abdeen Palace in this fourth day of February 1942.

King Farouk with one of the ministries problem
Sir Lampson says that when he put the waiver before the king frequency of seconds, and that he felt for a moment that the King will take the pen and sign, but the Royal Court chairman Ahmed Hassanein intervention in Arabic and told him something and then King stopped and asked «Lampson» Other last chance to calls Nahhas immediately and in his presence if he wants to and that cost him the hearing, to form a cabinet, and asked him «Lampson» if he understood clearly that it must be the ministry of choice alone copper? He said he understood, said to him, Sir Lampson he is ready to give him one last chance because he wants to avoid Egypt complications may not be easy in these conditions, but he has to realize that his behavior must be immediate, replied again that accommodate the necessities of his province his honor and his country's best interest that the copper calls immediately.

Storytellers accident
Egypt hit by alarm and fear when an accident (the era of November 15, 1943) and subjected King Farouk collision of his car which he was driving his own car trailer military English and was returning from a duck hunting trip near Ismailia. The incident occurred in front of the gate engineering structures Camp No. 140, and almost kills the king and was repeating: Lord forgiveness .. Lord forgiveness was transferred to the camp to help him, but he said: do not want a thing from them (after the departure of the doctor, England) and understanding companions meaningful words of the king and his royal car to a nearby military hospital in the storytellers and the doctor English scans the chest and abdomen, said the king to the subject of pain and said: I have a fracture of the pubic bone below the abdomen, despite severe pain was happy when he saw the officers and Egyptian soldiers of cleats army in the area has been rushed by themselves and surrounded the hospital to guard was inform the Royal Palace and was attended by the surgeon at the Ibrahim Pasha plane from Cairo and was a senior surgeons Englishmen had offered to hold the process on an urgent basis but the King preferred to wait for the surgeon Egyptian despite the seriousness of his injury, and it was King Farouk driving the car donated by his Hitler very quickly next to Ismailia Canal and surprised Balmoktorh English and was coming from Benghazi has veered left suddenly it blocked the way for him to enter the camp, and the king of deviating to avoid falling into the canal, and collided with the introduction trailer for his car and flew its wheels Alamamahouhtmt front door and signed by King Farouk middle of the road and soon Maantcher news across Egypt and crawled masses in thousands surrounded the hospital storytellers throughout the establishment of the King after serious surgery, which continued to suffer from the effects, and there were rumors that the incident was planned to get rid of King Farouk due to the aggravation of the sharp disagreement between him and the British Ambassador (Sir Miles Lampson) after an incident on February 4 and the siege of the British tanks to Abdeen Palace, but King miraculously survived and manifested over people love him at the time.